David's Collectibles  
Po Box 897, Grifton, North Carolina, 28530 
Phone 1-252-746-2040  
Email: sales@tickbitesupply.com
"Your Online collectible Superstore!"

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David's Collectibles Website Home Page

New Product

We are entering a very busy time in our shipping department. Get your orders in soon as the shopping season arrives! We all have a lot to be thankful for this year!!, Just think no political ads all over the TV. We could have housed every homeless American with the money spent this year. Billions would have gone a long way to tiny pop up houses. Just a thought.

IWB Holster

Now shipping, our TAC-TAC-H390BL, IWB Holster for descrite carry. Click on link to see how many what it fits.
Link to TAC-H390BL

Now shipping, our TAC-QRRS9, fits Ruger Security 9 Pistol!
Link to Quick Release Ruger Security 9 Holster

Now shipping, Quick release holster for the Springfield Armory Hellcat Micro. Product is in the warehouse.
Link to Hellcat Micro Holster

Thank you for shopping with David's Collectibles!

Since 1980 we have been at the fore front of mail order in the outdoor goods industry. The passion with which we started all this, still burns deep and our customers always come first. The same core values that started our businesses are the same values we operate by every day. Thank you for shopping with a true American company, supporting Americans and creating American Jobs. It does make a difference no matter what anyone tries to tell you!

From Optics, Tactical Gear and Shooting Supplies, David's Collectibles is your one stop store!

Thank you for dropping in, we have lots of new products to talk with you about!
First, if you do not have your Chef Leo Spices for the holiday get togethers, now is
the time to jump in!
Go to Chef Leo Website

We have been adding tactical gear to our inventory at an accelerated rate. Get ready
for whatever may come. We have beefed up our Quick Release paddle holsters, even adding
some holsters for older out of producion pistols. These need the advantages paddle holsters
bring to the party. Also check out our shoulder rigs, leg and ankle holsters and sling bags.
Tactical Gear

We are also expanding items like tactical belts, hats and much more.
These are in the warehouse and we will be adding them to the website as
pictures and descriptions are completed!

And if this is not enough, we are also beginning the process of upgrading our website.
Lots going on, keep checking back for more! Click the links to the left and check out
our offerings on the David's Collectibles / Tickbitesupply website!

Click Here to Go back to top of page

Visit our Sister Web Sites, These are all part of the David's Collectibles Group of Companies!

Chef Leo%trade; Site
Chef Leo Spice Site

Proud Master Distrubitor of Red Mountain
Supply Products© Turn of the century
pride, a product well made, a job well done!©

Copyright © 1999-2025 David's Collectibles. The names Tickbite Supply Company, Tickbite Tactical, Tickbite Optics as well as all material on this site is the exclusive property of David's Collectibles and cannot be used in any form. E-mail davistarr@aol.com for permission to use the material in any form.